Payment methods

You can contact us for anything you need to know, either about your order or about our available products.

Payment by debit/credit card

If you have a VISA, MasterCard, or any other credit/debit card from any country you can use it safely through our order form. The credit card payment process is covered by the latest security standards with 256 bit encryption - the highest available today. All required security measures are taken and all transactions are covered by the 3D Secure system ( Verified-by-Visa & MasterCard SecureCode).

In fact, for the further security of transactions, the business does not automatically store the registered credit card details of the credit card used for the purchase for future use, so the user/member must re-enter the details every time the purchase is not completed for any reason or wishes to proceed to a new one at a later time.

Payment by deposit to a bank account

There is the possibility of paying your order by deposit in a bank account of our company, in a physical store or by electronic payment, with your full name as the reason, within 2 days of your order.

If the above deadline passes and no deposit has been made, the products are no longer reserved for you and your order is cancelled.

After making the deposit, send a copy of the bank payment order either by e-mail to rg.ihtymarapnasiozobfsctd-1ad563@selas, or by phone at 26510 20201, so that we can implement your order. The order will start to be prepared by us as soon as the deposit is confirmed.

Piraeus Bank:
IBAN Account Number: GR9601724050005405102002103
Account Beneficiaries: TATSI ALEXIA, MICHAEL
Swift code: PIRBGRAA

National Bank:
Account number IBAN: GR0401103620000036243005992
Account Beneficiaries: TATSI ALEXIA, MICHAEL
Swift code: ETHNGRAA

* Possible bank charges are borne by the depositor.

Payment via PayPal

The world's safest way to make payments online. You can make your transaction through PayPal. The existence or creation of a PayPal account is required.
For payment via PayPal there is an extra charge of 5€/order.